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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Produits sucres
Purée de fruits frais
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya; 65-70 brix Juice Concentrate - Pear and Apple; 32 brix Puree Concentrate - Pear and Apple.
Produits sucres
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Purée de fruits secs
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya; 65-70 brix Juice Concentrate - Pear and Apple; 32 birx Puree Concentrate - Pear and Apple.
Fruits legumes
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Autres fruits legumes
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya; 65-70 brix Juice Concentrate - Pear and Apple; 32 birx Puree Concentrate - Pear and Apple.
Fruits legumes
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya; 65-70 brix Juice Concentrate - Pear and Apple; 32 brix Puree Concentrate - Pear and Apple.
Fruits legumes
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Fruits ou légumes en conserve
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya; 65-70 brix Juice Concentrate - Pear and Apple; 32 brix Puree Concentrate - Pear and Apple.
Fruits legumes
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Fruits secs
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya.
Fruits legumes
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Fruits ou légumes déshydratés
Description : We want to purchase the following Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Dried Fruit - Mango, Banana, Pineapple and Payaya.
Fruits legumes
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Description : We want to purchase Organic USDA NOP and EU certified Orange juice concentrate and puree COncentrate.
Biokontroll Hungaria Közhasnu Tarsasag
Semences en vrac
Description : We are dealing with organic and conventional seeds for birdfeeding and for human consumption.Also seeling conventioan maize for animal feeding.
Autres semences
Description : We are selling Hungarian sunflowerseed for human consumption (Type Marica, Eagle).
Céréales dérivés
Biokontroll Hungaria Közhasnu Tarsasag
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : We are dealing with soyabeen, linsed, rapeseed, black sunflowerseed
Céréales dérivés
Biokontroll Hungaria Közhasnu Tarsasag
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : We are selling wheat , linseed, speltwheat for human consumption
Alimentation animale
Biokontroll Hungaria Közhasnu Tarsasag
Description : We are selling Hungarian organic maize for animal feeeding.
Non-organic sunflowerseed (Iregi), canaryseed, milletseed for birdfeeding.
Organic and conventional small peas for pigeons.
Description : Sésamo 99,97%
Produits laitiers
Autres produits laitiers
Description : We produce HACCP compliant fresh organic cow milk. The milk has atleast 3.5% fat and > 9% SNF with BCC <100000. We produce highly palatable, unprocessed, fresh farm milk in the outskirts of Mumbai. Currently producing 1000 litres per day, to be expanded to 5000 litres per day by the end of \'07.Open to export contracts.

Interested buyers may please contact at:
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